PBL helps schools deliver high quality programs to improve student academic and behavioural learning.
PBL is a problem solving framework that addresses social behaviour and academic outcomes.
It's a systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools to design effective learning environments.
PBL is part of a broader movement that seeks to increase the application of evidence-based practices in schools and is in line with the principles of quality teaching.
When PBL is in place
Students know what is expected of them and choose to do so because they:
- know what to do
- have the skills to do it
- see the natural benefit for acting responsibly.
Adults and students have more time to:
- focus on relationships
- focus on classroom instruction.
There is an instructional approach to discipline
- Instances of problem behaviour are opportunities to learn and practice pro-social behaviour.
PBL builds durable school systems
The emphasis on school-wide systems of support include strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate student behaviour to create positive school environments.
PBL boosts students engagement in learning by increasing attendance and retention and improving student behaviour.
PBL promotes:
- school-wide discipline practices including establishing clear consequences
- instruction in social skills
- helping teachers intervene effectively to manage behaviour in the classroom and other school environments
- active supervision in all areas of the school
- enabling the learning support team and PBL team to plan and solve problems together
- external coaching to build capacity and provide consistent, region-wide support for schools
School-wide systems have:
- a common purpose and approach to behaviour
- a clear set of positive expectations and behaviours
- procedures for teaching expectations and values
- a continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behaviour
- continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behaviour
- process for on-going evaluation
PBL Expected behaviour matrix (PDF 18KB)