Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Following is a list of Term 1 staff for 2025
KLR - Mrs Lee-a Rock
KJL - Mrs Janet Lovett
KSS - Mrs Sally Smithwick
KVW - Mrs Vanessa Woolley
KNB - Mrs Nikki Beach
1LF - Mrs Lisa Falk
1KB - Mrs Kerry Burn
1MH - Miss Madeline Haywood
1/2MM - Ms Michelle Millard
2JC - Mrs Jodie Cass
2JB - Ms Julie Best
2KB - Mrs Kim Balderston
3SS - Mr Scott Spurrier
3KD - Mrs Katrina Daly
3JW - Mrs Ellie Woolnough, Miss Hannah Jeffrey
4AD - Mrs Amanda Darcy
4RB - Mr Robby Barron
4MH - Mrs Martine Harris
4BB - Miss Briony Belford
5CG - Mr Chris Geary
5CR - Ms Cathrine Robinson
5AL - Mr Ash Latimer
5/6CW - Mrs Cathryn Welch, Miss Jemma Emmeriks
6DB - Mr Darren Beard
6ML - Ms Megan Laing
6JS - Mr Jigh Sallustio
3-6JG - Mr James Grech
K-6RF - Ms Rebecca Faith
K-6SR - Mrs Shannon Ramm
K-6BC - Ms Rebecca Cole
3-6BB - Mrs Brooke Burgess
K-6RT - Mr Riley Taylor
K-6RW - Mrs Taylor Willoughby, Mr Cooper Reichelt
Library: Mrs Jordan Shields (Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs) and Mrs Danielle Wheatley (Thur/Frid)
Release from Face to Face (RFF)/Intervention: Mr Mitchell Nicholson, Mrs Vanessa Boyle, Ms Margaret Gardner, Mrs Jo Hansard, Mrs Ellie Woolnough (Thurs), Mrs Taylor Willoughby, Mrs Helen Pearse (Thurs), Mrs Michelle Taylor – Mon/Tues/Wed from Term 2.
Learning and Support Teacher (LaST): Mrs Kelly Newell, Mrs Sharon Randall
Casual Cover: Miss Chloe Dwyer, Mr Cooper Reichelt
School Counsellor: Mrs Shona Ballard, Mrs Amy Cooper
School Learning Support Officers (SLSO) - Supported Learning: Ms Lisa White, Mrs Donna Anthony (Mon/Tues/Wed), Mrs Nicole Potter, Mr Brad Baxter, Mrs Sheila McDougall, Mrs Toni Foster, Mrs Maddie Burling, Mrs Bec Underwood and Mrs Paris Wilton.
SLSO - Mainstream: Ms Deb Johnson, Mrs Tania Williams, Mrs Jean Gayed, Mrs Kaela Croft, Ms Rochelle Pritchard, Mrs Cindy Bell, Mrs Cathy Williams, Mrs Bo-Deen Bailey, Mr Chris Wheatley and Mr Simon Ramm
Aboriginal Education Officer: Miss Tayla Wright (relieving)
General Assistant: Mr Mark Hurrell
Office Staff: Mrs Michelle Kelly (SAM), Ms Kylie Schofield, Mrs Leah Caller and Ms Michelle Birrer (Wed/Thurs), Mrs Melinda Auld (Tues/Wed/Thurs) and Miss Genevieve Rock (Thurs/Frid)
Technology Support Officer: Mr Jens Lindner
ES1: Mrs Lee-a Rock
Stage 1: Mrs Michelle Taylor (Term 2 Mon/Tues/Wed)/ Mrs Michelle Millard Term 1 and Thurs/Frid from Term 2.
Stage 2: Mrs Amanda Darcy
Stage 3: Mr Darren Beard
Supported Learning: Mr James Grech
Assistant Principal Curriculum and Support (APC&I): Mrs Michelle Corcoron and Mrs Natalie Pepperell (Mon/Tues/Wed)
Assistant Principal Learning and Support (APLaST): Mrs Suzie Cash
Deputy Principal (DP): Mrs Kate Buczko - K-6 Wellbeing
Deputy Principal (DP): Mrs Anne Puchert - Support and Inclusion and identified complex cases
Principal: Mr Cameron Osborne